Andrew P Withers Resigns as Libertarian Party Leader

Andrew Withers long standing leader of the LPUK has resigned less than 24 hours before polls open for the General Election. To give credit where it is due, this is a sensible and inevitable step for Mr Withers and fantastic news for the liberty movement. With Mr Wither’s stepping aside there is room for the movement to grow into the political space in one of the world’s leading nations.



While effective in the Autumn, the exit of the controversial and unsupportable leader should aid the party at the polls, however, it is not known if the party has stood candidates.

As someone close to those controversies I do not expect to see any historical issues resolved, but it would reflect well on the party if an effort was now made to do so.


  1. The LPUK has been brought low by the leadership of Andrew Withers so it can only be good news that he is leaving that post. People should not vote for him to be on the NCC and it would be better if he discontinued holding any office.

    British politics is the worse for the electorate not having a respectable, fully functioning libertarian party. If LPUK can be that in the future I will welcome it.

    The current inability of the institutional parties to command an overall majority in Parliament means that there is a better prospect for electoral reform. If that happens libertarianism could become far better established in the British political environment and we need a credible organisation to take that presence forward.



  2. I’ll believe it when I see it on the EC website and it only counts if he relinquishes all officer posts.

    Even then with him in the background I pity anyone who wants to take on any of the leadership posts.



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